Our Products
Used Equipment For Sale
- Periodically, CRS Specialties has used equipment such as Benders, Spiral Making Machines and Shearlines for sale.
- Please inquire at sales@crsspecialties.com or call 905-734-3858 for all your new and used rebar equipment updates, parts and service by the manufacturer for all of North America
CRS #14/45mm & #18/55mm Table Bender
- Sold AS-IS or rebuilt as new with warranty
- Includes Bender Pro Controller
- Priced at 35% less than new
Reconditioned MEP CONCEPT 91 Automatic Stirrup Bender
- Year built 2003
- Includes optional Autochanger
- 2 decoilers
MEP Preform C – Pre-cage Welding Machine
- Year built 2017